State of the Republic

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BLM Activist Thrown In Prison

( - They supposedly fight for justice, but leftists don’t practice what they preach. British Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist Xahra Saleem was sentenced...

BLM Thug Jailed for THIS! (Video)

( - New evidence has emerged proving the radical group BLM is nothing but a vile Marxist-Communist clique leveraging made-up “white guilt” to rake...

Biden Got ‘Laundered’ Money – (Video Proof)

( - A bombshell revelation like no other has emerged about Joe Biden – allegedly the first proven case of him getting cash from...

Trump Slams ‘Unthinkable’ Assault On Him

( - Resisting the left’s judicial repression against him, 2024 GOP presidential favorite Donald Trump has hit back at a liberal Washington DC judge...

Rand Paul Grills FBI/DHS (Video)

( - In a hard-hitting congressional interrogation, GOP US Senator Rand Paul exposed the FBI and the DHS’s ongoing desire for censorship collusion with...

Judge Stops Biden Dead In His Tracks

( - In one of the not-so-many cases of a judicial ruling in defense of the nation from Joe Biden’s bewildering illegal alien invasion,...

Enviro-Nuts’ Want ‘Global Shakedown’

( - Far-left climate crazies have come up with a new plan to hand out American taxpayers’ money to corrupt Third World countries, but,...

Trump’s Message to Pence (Video)

( - With Mike Pence having killed off his presidential campaign – surprisingly to some but quite logically to others – his former boss,...

Nikki Haley Hits Biden Hard

( - Angry at the current state of the United States, former United Nations Ambassador and 2024 Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley expressed grave...

The ‘Magic Mushrooms’ Defense?!

( - In what seems like a scene from an action movie, an off-duty pilot caused a major disturbance on a recent Alaskan Airlines...

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