Hunter: ‘I Am Blessed’

Hunter Biden

( – In a bizarre public declaration after his felony gun conviction, scandalous First Son Hunter Biden has stated he considers himself “blessed” because of his family’s “love and support.”

Following the pronouncement of a guilty verdict on felony charges in his federal firearms case, Hunter Biden articulated a blend of gratitude and disappointment.

In a reflective statement, he expressed his thankfulness for the unwavering support from his close associates and family, despite the disheartening outcome of the trial.

“I am more grateful today for the love and support I experienced this last week from Melissa, my family, my friends, and my community than I am disappointed by the outcome,” he remarked.

Biden further mentioned his ongoing journey of recovery, attributing his perseverance to divine grace.

“Recovery is possible by the grace of God, and I am blessed to experience that gift one day at a time,” he affirmed.

In response to the verdict, Biden’s defense attorney, Abbe Lowell, expressed a sentiment of resignation mixed with resolve. Lowell conveyed a respectful acknowledgement of the judicial process while simultaneously signaling an intention to actively explore all potential legal avenues.

“Naturally disappointed” by the outcome, Lowell stated:

“We respect the jury process and will vigorously pursue all legal challenges that are available.”

Lowell highlighted the significant emotional and psychological support Biden received throughout his recovery and the trial, emphasizing how it has been a source of strength for him.

“Through all he has been through in his recovery, including this trial, Hunter has felt grateful for and blessed by the love and support of his family,” Lowell elucidated.

Meanwhile, two jurors in Hunter Biden’s trial revealed in interviews with The New York Post that the jury’s verdict was heavily influenced by a series of damaging text messages between Hunter Biden and his sister-in-law-turned-lover, Hallie.

During her testimony for the prosecution, Hallie Biden was confronted with a text from Hunter dated October 13, 2018—the day after the gun purchase—where he mentioned waiting for a dealer named Mookie. Hallie explained to the court, “That he was buying crack cocaine.”

The following day, Hunter sent another revealing message to Hallie: “I’m sleeping on a car smoking crack,” he wrote, adding, “That’s my truth.”

These messages, according to a female juror from Delaware, seemed to confirm that Hunter was actively seeking drugs.

“In my opinion, he was trying to get drugs,” she said, adding that Hunter appeared “kind of defeated” and “helpless.”

The same juror reflected on Hunter’s appearance and the overall impression he gave during the trial.

“He looks kind of helpless to me. I think he just needs to get away somewhere and get some real rehab, if he hasn’t. Hopefully, he’s still not using,” she said.

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