Trump Slams THIS New Biden Plan

( – Former President Donald Trump sharply slammed Joe Biden’s recent mass amnesty proposal during a rally in Racine, Wisconsin, where he accused Biden of favoring illegal aliens over law-abiding Americans.

“But I will be the president for law-abiding Americans. Every background and every walk of life; every race, religion, color, and creed; I’ll be the president,” Trump said to roars from the estimated 20,000 people.

Earlier this week, Biden unveiled a plan to grant a path to citizenship and protection from deportation to illegal aliens who have been in the country for ten years and are married to a U.S. citizen.

Trump told rallygoers, “Under this program, a deluge of illegals will be given immediate green cards and put on the fast track to rapid citizenship so they can vote. Crooked Joe is sending a message to the world that he rewards illegal entry.”

In addition, Trump emphasized that America is under invasion and amnesty should not be granted to illegals. He underscored that invasion should be stopped. He further added that the border must be sealed but he would allow people to come into the country legally.

Drawing a parallel to Biden’s approach to college debt forgiveness, Trump accused Biden of trying to defer the legality of his actions until after the upcoming election.

“The Biden betrayal is not going to stand when I’m reelected. Joe Biden’s illegal amnesty plan will be ripped up and thrown out on the very first day that we’re back in office,” Trump asserted.

Moreover, Trump characterized the Biden administration’s actions as transparent and cynical. “Look, it’s either they’re stupid — they’re not stupid — he is, but they’re not stupid. … So you say they’re either stupid or they hate our country…”

“The people don’t even know where they are, and they’re getting them cards to vote. They’re trying to register them to vote. And we’re in courts all over the place, and we’re going to get it stopped, and we’re not going to let what they did four years ago happen again,” Trump concluded.

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