Trump Called A ‘Thug’ By Who?!

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Former National Security Adviser John Bolton critiqued a recent booking photo of ex-President Trump, commenting on its staged appearance following Trump’s surrender in Georgia due to election interference allegations. Speaking to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, Bolton remarked, “Rather than appearing friendly or harmless, he seemed intimidating.”

Trump’s surrender was part of the ongoing investigation accusing him of orchestrating an effort to challenge the 2020 Georgia election results. Notably, the ex-president used this opportunity to rally financial support by leveraging the image, his inaugural mug shot among four legal cases and an unprecedented event for a past U.S. president. Bolton speculated that such indictments might boost Trump’s appeal.

Bolton commented, “The charges seem to be strengthening his base rather than weakening it.”

Attention is now focused on Kenneth Chesebro, a former lawyer for Trump, set to begin his trial on Oct. 23, having pushed for an earlier date. Bolton highlighted the immense political implications of Chesebro’s case, noting, “If Chesebro is cleared, it reinforces Trump’s storyline. However, a conviction would challenge it, and the outcome could be known in a couple of months.”

There’s been a push by some defendants for the case to be transferred to a federal jurisdiction from the Georgia state court. It’s anticipated that Trump’s legal team might request the same soon.

Bolton voiced concerns about this approach, suggesting it’s a tactic to postpone the trial, potentially pushing it past the 2024 elections due to possible appeals reaching the Supreme Court. He opined, “Trump often resorts to delay tactics, and transferring jurisdiction complicates the proceedings further.”

Bolton expressed his preference for the case to remain within Georgia’s jurisdiction but acknowledged the possibility of a move given Trump’s presidential status during the alleged infractions.