Gold Star Mom: Biden Lied

( – Refusing to let his lies slide, Gold Star mother Alicia Lopez stated she was disappointed after Joe Biden claimed that no U.S. troops have died under his administration.

Biden said during the recent CNN-hosted debate with former President Donald Trump that he was “the only president in a century” to not have had any soldier die during his tenure.

Lopez revealed that Biden’s statement was inaccurate, as her son Cpl. Hunter Lopez died alongside other servicemembers during the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

“It’s a sad day in America when those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom are forgotten about. What I wouldn’t give for his statement to be true and for my child to walk through my door,” Lopez stated.

She emphasized the need for change at the White House and for a leader who prioritizes national security and acknowledges the sacrifices of the military.

“The families and friends of these amazing heroes will never forget. It is abundantly clear, and my hope is it’s clear to many more Americans now, that it is time for a change,” Lopez said.

The withdrawal from Afghanistan under Biden’s administration faced harsh criticism for being reckless, hasty and not having a clear evacuation plan, which endangered U.S. troops and left American citizens stranded.

During this period, an ISIS-K suicide bomber attacked a Kabul airport, resulting in the deaths of 13 U.S. servicemembers and numerous Afghan civilians.

Additional U.S. troops have died in the Middle East during Biden’s presidency, including three servicemembers killed in a drone strike by an Iranian-backed group in Jordan this January.

The overall handling of these situations and Biden’s debate performance, where he looked weary and struggled with coherence, have stirred discussions among Democrats.

Biden’s viability in the upcoming 2024 election is questionablе, prompting some Democrats to suggest he should not run.

The New York Times editorial board has even described continuing with Biden as a candidatе as a “reckless gamble.”

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