Supreme Court Will Limit THESE Guns?

Gun and gavel on a U.S. flag.

( – The Supreme Court has enraged gun rights supporters as it is seemingly set to deliver a devastating blow to Second Amendment rights by limiting a 2022 federal rule regulating so-called “ghost guns.”

This decision could have far-reaching consequences for gun owners and hobbyists across the nation.

These firearms, cherished by Americans who enjoy exercising their constitutional right to build their own weapons, are now under attack by the Biden-Harris administration’s overreaching bureaucrats.

Under the guise of public safety, the regulation aims to treat ghost gun kits like other firearms, requiring licenses, serial numbers, background checks, and record maintenance.

This blatant government overreach threatens the time-honored tradition of Americans crafting their own firearms, a practice as old as the nation itself.

Moreover, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), an agency with a long history of infringing on citizens’ rights, is creating this assault on liberty.

Their new rule demands serial numbers on gun kits and partially complete frames or receivers, effectively ending the freedom to build firearms without government interference.

“Congress, in the Gun Control Act, did not seek to pursue its purposes of controlling access to firearms to the nth degree,” said attorney Peter Patterson, representing manufacturers, gun rights groups, and people who own firearms parts.

Even more concerning is the Supreme Court’s apparent willingness to side with the Biden administration.

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett, once considered defenders of constitutional rights, expressed skepticism about the challengers’ arguments.

Their line of questioning suggests a disturbing shift away from protecting individual liberties.

Never missing an opportunity to curtail Americans’ freedoms, the Biden administration argued that the regulation addresses a so-called “public safety crisis” from untraceable firearms.

This fear-mongering tactic ignores the fact that law-abiding citizens have been building their own firearms for centuries without issue.

Perhaps most telling is the market response to this draconian regulation. The ghost gun market reportedly collapsed after the rule took effect, demonstrating how government interference can destroy entire industries and hobbyist communities overnight.

“Some individuals enjoy, like working on their car every weekend, some individuals want to construct their own firearms,” Patterson stated.

He added, “So the purpose of selling it… is to assist and provide individuals with material with which they can do that.”

While the left-leaning justices predictably support this infringement on Americans’ rights, it is disheartening to see conservative-appointed justices potentially siding with big government.

As the Supreme Court deliberates on this crucial issue, the decision is expected by June 2025 and will have lasting implications for gun rights and individual liberty.

Still, the Biden administration and its allies will stop at nothing to disarm law-abiding citizens and expand government control over Americans’ lives.

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