NOW: AI Detects Heart Conditions Before Symptoms Appear

The Proud Republic Happening Now

( – A groundbreaking AI tool developed in the United Kingdom was designed to detect a heart condition called atrial fibrillation (AF) before symptoms appear.

It also analyzes extensive medical records and could lead to increased government control over personal health data.

The AI tool, developed by the University of Leeds and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, scrutinizes GP records for “red flags” that might indicate a risk of AF.

While proponents claim it could reduce stroke risk, critics worry about the implications of such widespread data mining.

AF is linked to approximately 20,000 strokes annually in the UK, and early detection could save lives.

However, the tool’s development using anonymized health records from over 2.1 million people and validation with records from an additional 10 million raises questions about data privacy and consent.

The AI system assesses risk based on age, sex, ethnicity, and other medical conditions. High-risk individuals are given a handheld ECG machine to monitor heart rhythm, potentially leading to further medical interventions.

Dr, Sonya Babu-Narayan, associate medical director at the BHF and consultant cardiologist at Royal Brompton Hospital, said:

“By harnessing the power of routinely collected health care data and prediction algorithms, this research offers a real opportunity to identify more people who are at risk of atrial fibrillation and who may benefit from treatment to reduce their risk of a devastating stroke.”

While Dr. Babu-Narayan’s statement sounds positive, it glosses over the potential for misuse of such powerful data collection and analysis tools.

The NHS has already increased the number of AF patients on blood clot-preventing medication by 8% in five years, demonstrating a growing trend of medical interventions based on data analysis.

Currently undergoing a six-month trial in West Yorkshire surgeries, the tool could be rolled out UK-wide if it is deemed successful.

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