Good Samaritans Perform Life-Saving Miracle

Road sign pointing left saying miracle

( – Good Samaritans in Massachusetts rescued a blind 20-year-old cat from certain death on an icy pond.

The harrowing incident happened on Nabnasset Pond in Westford, Massachusetts, where Tiki found himself in a life-threatening situation.

The old cat had accidentally gone outside overnight. A concerned citizen spotted Tiki floating on a piece of ice about 30-40 feet from shore.

Dawn Felicani, the alert passerby who first noticed Tiki wa sin danger, immediately went into action.

“I was in the house for one minute and I looked out the slider and I was like what is that out on the water?” Felicani recounted.

“The crackling happened, and I was like, hysterical, And all of a sudden, it fell in! Its little head was sticking out! I’m in tears, and I’m freaking out,” she added.

As the situation grew dire, two brave citizens, Kris and Nate, stepped up to the plate and took matters into their own hands.

Nate Puza, one of the rescuers, explained their approach: “We commandeered the neighbors boat and took a shovel and paddled out to it.”

Westford Animal Control praised the bystanders’ actions, calling the rescue “nothing short of a miracle.”

After being rescued, Tiki was rushed to receive veterinary care. The cat’s condition was critical, and his body temperature was so low that it did not even register on the thermometer.

Thankfully, Tiki’s story has a happy ending. The resilient cat was safely returned to his owners and is now recovering well.

Tiki’s owner, John Arden shared an amusing update: “He’s pretty annoyed that he can’t go back outside.”

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